The film will be directed by Prashant Chadha (Aap Kaa Surroor, Aazaan) and will star Deepika Padukone’s ex-boyfriend Nihar Pandya.
Director Prashant Chadha told Mumbai Mirror, “Nihar is like my brother. I was very close to Deepika as well once upon a time. In fact, I had launched her in a music video. Everybody knows how she walked out of Nihar’s life for Ranbir. Nihar was heartbroken. He had done everything by the book. He looked after her for three-and-a-half-years. In fact Deepika stayed in Nihar’s house with his parents for three years. Nobody knows that Deepika actually came crying back to Nihar after breaking up with Ranbir the first time. Nihar went looking for Ranbir, intercepted his car and asked him what he was doing with Deepika. Ranbir shot back, ‘Ask your girlfriend that’. Even after all this, Nihar took Deepika back. And then the same thing happened with Yuvraaj Singh.”
“Deepika heard about my plans for the film and asked me if it was true.”
“The film starts with Nihar’s monologue where he says, ‘I loved Deepika and wanted my name to be associated for her for eternity’. Nihar then wonders what went wrong. The film then goes into flashback. The film is about Nihar’s quest to find out where Romeo went right, and he went wrong in love,” claimed the director.
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